Friday, March 11, 2011

Linnocent is 35 minutes late, and bitch still gets her continuance

Linnocent is 35 minutes late, and bitch still gets her continuance


I’m just going to give my reactions to Lindsay’s court appearance in real time:

*Bitch was late. Her hearing was for 8:30, and when that rolled around, Linnocent still hadn’t left her house. Rude, tacky, and disrespectful. Her lateness speaks volumes about how little she gives a damn about any of this.

*BITCH IS STILL LATE. She left her Venice Beach crack condo at 8:45 PST. Ridic.

*Twenty minutes late now. I hope the judge says she’s in contempt of court and drags her into jail by her crack weave.

*Waiting for cracked-out Godot.


*Lindsay seems to be wearing a tight beige LEATHER dress with long sleeves. Black tights, hair in a ponytail, lips jacked. Gross. She looks like a hooker working a Republican convention.

*Finally, this junk starts. The judge doesn’t seem mad at all - I think he was in a closed-door meeting with Holley and the DA. Lindsay didn’t get reamed for being 35 minutes late.

*The judge seems to go out of his way to be nice to Lindsay. Apparently, Holley and Meyers worked out some kind of fake continuance where Lindsay has until March 25 to take a plea, and if that doesn’t happen, the preliminary hearings for a trial starts on April 22. The judge says: “”We’re going to set an interim date of 3/25/11. The only reason you will be here (and see me again) is to plead guilty to the charge. If you and your attorney decide not to settle this by prelim you don’t have to appear. The only date you will have to appear then is 4/22.”

*The judge seemed to bitch out both the defense and prosecution for leaking to the media: “I can’t believe how these things leak out, TMZ Radar Online, these guys ought to be in the foreign service. I don’t even tell my wife what’s going on, so I can’t understand how they find out this information. It’s not fair to either side to have these things leaked out in drips and drabs. It doesn’t benefit anybody so please try to keep any offer I make confidential.”

So… Lindsay got her continuance, sort of. She gets another two weeks to decide whether or not to take a deal, but the preliminary hearing has already been set. LINNOCENT 4 EVA.





Screencaps via TMZ’s livefeed.

Written by Kaiser

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Posted in Lindsay Lohan

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15 Responses to “Linnocent is 35 minutes late, and bitch still gets her continuance”
  • I hope she doesn’t take the plea at the last minute. Crackie needs to get at least 6 months just for dragging this mess out so much.

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  • She was only 5 or 7 minutes late.
    The hearing was set for 8:30 but according to TMZ the Judge had agreed to a 9am start but had forgot.

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  • Who wears leather dresses?!?! WTF is that?

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  • WTF is she wearing?? some kind of nude latex tube dress? And her face is scary sad! Especially in the 2nd photo, she looks like that Geicko gecko.

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  • clownish face

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  • Ugh. The smirks on their faces are absolutely disgusting. This whole thing should be sold to Barnum & Bailey. She could live with the elephants. They’d make her smell better, and have an equal amount of wrinkles in their skin.

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  • Yet again Lohan goes into court with too tight clothes and no bra.

    And it is about time for her to take this plea, do the time and move on.

    She does not realize that all of her past behavior will follow her into a trial. Which really could end with her in jail for over a year.

    Geez do the 20+ days and get it over with.

    And no one is going to hire her for squat till she gets all this non-sense done and behind her.

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  • When the judge met with her attorney they decided to change the hearing to 9am. Either way, she was still late. It was probably her mom who leaked the info.

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  • She was too busy up in Samantha’s crotch to know that it was time for court.

    All HAIL Lilo didnt Go to JAIL AGAIN!!

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  • Her dress looks like a free clinic condom.

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  • What a useless piece of trash. I can’t read about this shit anymore.

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  • who wears pleather to court? oh right, hookers. and WTF is wrong with her face? botox? lip injections? fillers? everything? her grimace is terrifying small children and animals all over LA.

    good god.

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  • “Please try to keep any offer I make confidential.” What kind of crap is that from a judge?

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  • She looks much thinner again all of a sudden. Something tells me her sobriety has gone out the window. And I can’t help but wonder at this point if she will ever work anything other than the inside of a court room.

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  • Does anybody else kinda hope Crackie cracks under pressure and does something epically stupid before the April 22 court date like get cracked out and drunk in public swinging naked from the chandelier at some hotel bar screaming f*ck the police or something. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

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