Friday, February 11, 2011

Craig's List Woman to Wife of Christopher Lee: Get Tested!

The woman who busted Christopher Lee and forced the Congressman to resign because he flirted with her on Craig's List - which included the sending of a shirtless photo - has a message for this former politician's wife.

Get tested for STDs. Seriously.

While remaining anonymous, the 34-year old - who says she posted on the "Women Seeking Men" section of the site because she was "bored at work" one day - talked to Gawker yesterday and said of Lee: "I'm sure he hooked up with women from Craigslist who may have had, um, seedy paths."

Christopher Lee Photo

Does she feel responsible for his resignation? "I can't say I do. I didn't make him resign. I never even met him. Maybe his conscience is responsible."

Why did she even come forward? "I'm sure I could have sold the story, but that was not my motive, to become famous or do interviews. I live a very private life. I don't expect anything out of it. I didn't expect the man to resign. People have done a lot worse. It's the D.C. area, so you have Congressmen with call women and escorts, but I'm neither one of those. It goes to show [that] almost everyone think it's acceptable to be cheating, using whatever venue they can come across."

Forget the cheating. Lee is simply a moron for the way he went about cheating. That's enough of a reason to be happy he's no longer in office.


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