Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Test Footage From CGI ThunderCats Movie

thundercats 2 14 11 kc Test Footage From CGI ThunderCats Movie

The ThunderCats are headed back to the small screen to capture fans from a new generation. A few weeks ago, we got our first glimpse of the new animation’s design for the characters and to say that it was different would be an understatement. Warner Bros has been trying to revive the franchise for years. They even created some test footage for a possible CGI film version of the show. Through the magic of the internet we found it, and the characters look more thunder than cats. Check it out…

Where do we start? Why does Lion-O look and talk like a dumb jock? Apparently, the plot centers on a young Lion-O, who’s coming into his own as a warrior. That explains his lack of experience and confidence but Lion-O isn’t Lion-O without his assurance and long mane. We need luxurious hair!

Are we being too harsh on this? The animation is OK but it’s nothing to write home about. We’re not sure the exact date that it was created so we can’t judge it too much. It probably fit in with whatever time it was developed.

What do you think of the CGI version of ThunderCats? Would you have watched the film?

Source: Flixist

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