Monday, April 11, 2011

Angelina Jolie’s “The Style of Jolie” jewelry collection preview: lovely or tragic?

Angelina Jolie’s “The Style of Jolie” jewelry collection preview: lovely or tragic?


A couple of months ago, it was announced that Angelina Jolie was collaborating with jewelry designer Robert Procop on a jewelry line called… wait for it… The Style of Jolie. Now, you might say to yourself, “Hey, doesn’t Angelina wander around in burlap sack dresses most of the time? Is she really known for her fabulous taste in jewelry?” Exactly. While Angelina’s style choices - both in fashion and jewelry - can be hit or miss (to put it nicely), Angelina’s collaboration does have benefits. First of all, we all get to laugh at The Style of Jolie. Secondly, a percentage of the proceeds from The Style of Jolie will benefit one of Angelina’s charities, Education Partnership for Children of Conflict.

And now we have a preview! Oh, you will not believe how happy this has made me. The video preview has interviews with the men hosting this exhibition/auction/private sale event (I think?), and with Robert Procop, who says in part, “What we’re showing here is a collection that Angelina and I have been working on for the last nine months…Building not only a part of her style but real artistic forms using gemstones as the centerpiece. But our main mission is helping children in crisis by educating children around the world.” Here’s the video preview:

None of it is really my style, but then again, I don’t wear much jewelry. I like rings, and if I ever got my ears re-pierced (they grew over years ago), I would only wear smaller earrings. So much of this stuff looks way too big and too chunky for my tastes… and I generally don’t care for that much yellow gold. Much of it also seems rather dated, influenced by the jewelry styles of Angelina’s youth in the 1970s and 1980s. Is that an excess of topaz I spy? Yikes. But the emeralds are rather beautiful.

I think Angelina was wearing The Style of Jolie at The Tourist’s New York premiere last year - look at those earrings!



Photos courtesy of WENN.

Written by Kaiser


Posted in Angelina Jolie, Jewelry

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80 Responses to “Angelina Jolie’s “The Style of Jolie” jewelry collection preview: lovely or tragic?”
  • I think the actual pieces are stunning and I like that she usually only wears one strong piece with her gowns the problem is Angie hasn’t had a knockout red carpet outfit in a long while that properly showcases the jewelry. I am holding out hope for Cannes. BTW I live for earrings I just am not financially able to have a pair of emeralds like the Jolie. Oh well maybe in my 40’s.

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  • I don’t understand why Kaiser thinks this collection is so horrible and laughable. It looks very nice and it’s event/redcarpet jewelry. This is not for picnics and kids’ playdates.

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  • Yes, it does look dated.
    It looks like the sort of jewelry you’d see on her on the red carpet, not everyday jewelry regular people would buy. Some of those pieces would go with red carpet type dresses.
    I suspect this is because AJ doesn’t seem to wear jewelry unless she’s at some event.

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  • Jolie means beauty in french. Right? Well it means something positive in french.

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  • Another celeb trying to sell something by putting a whole lot of “name” into it but no design effort,…fail.

    @brin Morning to you. I finally got a web cam but not sure how it works. From what I can see, you and I have identical bathrobes.

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  • Yeah they are dated. While looking at the jewelry the theme song for “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” started playing in my head.

    Jolie means pretty in french; belle means beauty.

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  • I’m a big yellow gold fan, so I love this jewelry. Too bad its at auction and the pieces are in the thousands.

    Since she has a huge fan base, wouldn’t it make sense to make something widely available and affordable? I can imagine she knows this but opted for high-priced pieces that would bring in more money.

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  • I think it a sad and tragic irony that her charitable work would not be needed if it weren’t for the desire to obtain those very gems that she is now hocking.

    There have always been questions about Jolie’s motives in her humanitarian work, having lived in Africa and seen the circumstances in which these gems are often obtained, I for one have ceased to believe in her inherent good. To me, she is just another narcississtic fame seeker desperately seeking to create an image of and for herself.

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  • Kind of looks like the raided the wardrobe department of Knots Landing. Some of the gems are very pretty, but overall it’s too big and chunky and yellow gold for my tastes.
    It’s great that it’s helping that education program, but I still think it’s a really odd partnership and the name is kind of goofy too, especially since you usually don’t equate her with an interest in that sort of thing.

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  • @Kaiser

    Isn’t putting an AJ thread adjacent to a Jenn thread like mixing matter and anit-matter?

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  • Fug. Looks like outdated chunky costume jewelry. On a nice note, it’s great some of the proceeds will go to charity.

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  • Actually Susan Downey wore a pair of Angelina’s earrings & bracelet to the Oscars and looked wonderful in them…

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  • RE previous post:

    “hawking” not “hocking”


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  • Robert has been la jolie personal jewelry designer for the past ten years, she wore a lot of the jewelry in the tourist and its great this is benefiting a charity

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  • Those jewelries are beautiful and its cool that all the profits are for good cause,i think she is amazing

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  • Looks like old lady jewellry you’d find in a garage or an estate sale. Not my cup of tea.

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  • @Disbelieving Do you know the actual circumstances in which these jewels have been obtained? My understanding is they are from reputable non abusive sources.

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  • I like the jewelery. I like that the big, statement, Liz-Tayloresque styles are making a comeback.

    But “The Style of Jolie?” What a hideous, horrible, budget name. How the Hell did that get approved?

    @beauty: “jolie” means “pretty” in French.

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  • I like the jewelry but I feel it’s just one design with different gems, it’s pretty but kind of boring.
    Also, I agree, LOL at the ridiculous name: The Style of Jolie…

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  • As far as I know it’s not the percentage, but all the of profit that goes to the charity.

    The jewelry isn’t to my taste but I don’t think it’s ugly.

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  • Why doesn’t she just ask for donations from her peers and fans? Much ado about nothing.
    I don’t understand why celebrities have jewelry and clothing lines (oh, yeah, it’s the $$). Just because they can afford great wardrobes and gems, etc. doesn’t make them great designers. Guess it is their people in the backgound. It’s all about the bucks.

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  • @mln76

    I have always felt that the excuse of the source is not an adequate defense. Perhaps if we found another way to adorn our bodies, in general, we would not have to worry about sourcing. That is, if there is no demand for the gems we wouldn’t see the need to control the supply. Synthetics would look just as pretty on the red carpet.

    Also, it is, genuinely, very difficult to control sourcing. In countries that are so very poor, bribes are easily paid.

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  • @disbelieving I wonder a bit about that too. The gem stone industry is not a pleasant or a humanitarian friendly one. It surprises me a little that AJ would want to associate her name with a trade that has such a brutal, violent history.

    I’ve already told my boyfriend repeatedly that if we ever get married, I do not want any precious stones on my wedding ring. I don’t even really want the ring. I would rather spend that money on a really amazing honeymoon, personally. I don’t want to look down at my hand and wonder who had to die for me to have that rock. But, that’s just me. I’m not much of a girly girl, so it’s not like giving up fancy jewelry is a tough choice for me.

    I understand that not everyone feels that way though, and I’m sure I’d feel differently if I’d grown up wanting a wedding ring. My parents have been married for 44 years, and they never even wear theirs. In fact, I think my dad lost his wedding band around the time I was born. So, buying expensive jewelry seems kind of pointless to me. But, that’s just my personal experience.

    Anyway, I have no problem commenting on the relative quality of this jewelry. A lot of it does look dated and a tad gaudy. But, I thought all of the emerald pieces were beautiful. Green looks lovely on AJ as well, so I think they are a nice fit for her collection.

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  • She is a arogante snob and she is
    embarrassing for the US.

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  • They should’ve called it “Everything but the style of Jolie, please”.
    The gems are beautiful, but the style is dated, tacky. It amazes me it took 9 months to create such an awful and boring line of jewels.
    Tell me at least that these gems are not the result of African children slavery in mines. It would be quite conflicting to make jewels from blood gems (or diamonds, whatever) and then give a percentage of the proceeds to charity.

    Edit: I see someone already questioned the origin of those gems, and @DeRiotgirl (23) I totally feel and act the same way towards jewels. I like them, I always like the way they sparkle etc, but I have never worn one, nor I love to receive/buy any kind of jewelry.

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  • you’re certainly a stupid arrogant who has never done anything to help someone in need.

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  • A PERCENTAGE of the proceeds benefit her charity, not all of the proceeds. Just clarifying for some of the posters above.

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  • It all looks the same. There’s a signature style and then there’s repetitive design with different stones. I think it looks clunky and definitely dated. What was the inspiration? A 70s coke dealer’s pinky ring?

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  • Jolie has earned my respect for the way she’s handled her charity. According to Forbes it’s amoung the most well handled and the majority of the money doesn’t go administration or dropping designer bags in the middle of Africa like Bono’s charity or outright theft and incompetence like Madonna. For the past decade she has helped to build several schools and worked with the poor around the world. So if she says the jewels were obtained cruelty free I believe her.

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  • Some of these comments are laughable and hypocritical. Redcarpet events and women’s engagement/wedding rings are shown all of the on this site and nobody every says what horrible people they are. Yet Angelina is evil in carnate for having this jewelry collection. I doubt the people who are so disgusted with this line get so upset when friends and family get engaged with real diamonds. Besides why are people so sure that these gems were obtained non-humanely? People keep saying how much she love her reputation. If she only cared about that than she wouldn’t set herself up for attacks by using blood diamonds. I just don’t understand why people always have one set of rules for Angelina and completely different rules for everybody else.

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  • @DetRiotgirl,

    Yeah, I never had an engagement ring, either. I felt the same way you did. I was kinda hoping the whole gem thing would go the way of fur coats. We have largely stopped seeing the “pretty” in them.

    I inherited my great aunt’s fur coat. I never could figure out what to do with it. It reminded me of her and I liked her so I kept it in the closet for awhile but then it just started creeping me out more and more so I got rid of it. Someday, maybe we will see jewelry in the same terms. Cloth is good enough for me.

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  • @mln76

    I guess we will have to agree to disagree. I am kind of an issue driven person and not much into hero worship, so whatever she says matters little to me. In the end, you can’t just talk the talk you have to walk the walk. So, no gems for me.

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  • I don’t think the jewelry is ugly,
    They are a bit big, but I’m sure with a simple gown they would look nice.
    It’s just not my thing.

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  • Ugh!

    costume jewelry is a “style” now?
    If I hit up my local thrift store, I can guarantee you I’d find similar pieces (albeit fake :P) grouped up in little plastic baggies for $2 a bag…

    that is just gawdy, gawdy jewelry…

    and as for her signature…wtf?? She clearly handed the pen to Mystery Jolie to Fax Cannes Mystery Jolie-Pitt

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  • Is there anybody who can tell me what gems are the ones in her earrings (last picture)?

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  • @HRH Yes, it is all of the proceeds. At least that’s how it is reported.

    Here’s the link for you

    According to WWD, the actress has teamed up with jeweler and ex-Asprey CEO Robert Procop to create a line of necklaces, rings and more, with ALL PROCEEDS FROM THE SALES benefitting Angie’s charity Education Partnership for Children of Conflict.

    Another link

    Pieces from the collection will not be sold in stores, but will be sold privately through Procop’s network of clients, with all of the proceeds from the collaborative designs going toward Jolie’s charity, the Education Partnership for Children of Conflict.

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  • Chunky. Stunning. Great-looking. Not for kids who don’t know nothin’. Beautiful gems for women who can carry them off. Absolutely smashing!!

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  • Holy 1980’s flashback. Yes, this stuff belongs on the set of Dynasty.

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  • hideous and tacky.

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  • @Disbelieving the point is mute because I am sure the jewels cost more than either of our yearly salaries :)

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  • Take it from a 21 year old: those are not dated. Very now, in the most sophisticated way. Love them.

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  • That’s the first clear Jolie autograph I’ve seen. Why doesn’t some graphologist out there tell us what it says about her??

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  • I also think Jolie is taking the Elizabeth Taylor connection a little too literallyâ€"haha :-)

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  • Replicas of her red carpet jewelry for sale??? Fail.

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  • A point is “moot” not “mute.”

    Not wild about the line â€" and the name is horrendous â€" but I’m admittedly not a jewelry person, so whatever.

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  • Tres QVC. Or looks like big stuff peeps in the Arab States would be into. Except dunno if they would slum it in semi prec stones?

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  • I still think it looks like crap on the jewlery channel!

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  • Actually she has been show casing the design for a while. And I might add she had gotten a lot of attention for them. The emeralds she wore at the Oscars were the talk of that night. NOW we see tons of celebs wearing the emerald and black.Robert Downey’s wife wore a set of the earrings and ring at the Oscars this year. AND yes lots of attention to that. 100% of the first sales goes to charity.

    The design was based on a necklace she had made for Brad about 3 years ago (Tablet design) Nothing dated. Most jewelry designs are based on a theme. And hers is all about the gems. I think they are quite stunning. And they will sell. Just because some people here have a problem with her does not translate to the WORLD. But jewelry taste is individual. So the people that like them will buy them. They will sell.

    I like that she has been wearing them for a long time and actually kept very quiet about them. They have spoken for themselves and the pictures of her wearing them during The Tourist and SALT promotions. They have been all over the web as well as magazines.


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  • I love yellow gold. I just wish she’d design something affordable for those of us who make under a bajillion dollars a year.

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  • When earrings are so heavy you can see them pulling your earlobes down and stretching your holes, then they’re just too damn big. I love gemstones but those don’t really have any distinction from crap I’ve seen from Avon.

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  • What a sparkling carnival of meh. What “style”? What designs? It’s just a lot of big chunky Dynasty-type gems in simple gold settings - as if the whole point is just to showcase the fact that you can afford a massive hunk of emerald, end-of-story. Which really seems at odds with the blood-totin’, Earth-motherin’ image one associates with Angelina. (Maybe that’s the whole point.)

    The actual designs are fantastically uninspired to me, even if any one of them would cost the same as my house.

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  • look fake ,very 70’s/80’s and it’s weird to think that the jewelery can help some poor kids because working in some diamond/emerald-mine is very difficult(see the documentaries)and usually in some dangerous countries

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  • Style of Jolie? What, no skulls, or vials of blood? Maybe a tiny set of silver handcuffs with little bitty Brad hands in them to hang around the neck?

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  • So clunky, chunky and ugly. Very “Dynasty.” And all the ‘design’ work is repetitive. Each stone itself is large and clear, but there is not a lot of creativity in the way it’s presented. BUT that said, at least some of it is to help children in need. There is no mistaking that benefit.

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  • “Take it from a 21 year old: those are not dated. Very now, in the most sophisticated way. Love them.”

    LOL. This 23-year-old says, WTF are you smoking?

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  • To each their own… I don’t really care much for jewellery.. I own alot and rarely wear them (my mom was a jeweller). The pieces do seem dated

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  • Re: my comment that “a percentage of the proceeds” will go to the charity - I stand by it. It costs money to design and manufacture this Dynasty shit, so if you’re paying $100K for a piece, chances are only $50K (or less) will end up going to the charity. It’s still a good deal, but let’s not pretend that Asprey is going to eat the manufacturing costs.

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  • Asprey is not going to pay out of their pocket for the cost of jewelry but at least they’re only going to get back what they put into manufacturing cost. 100% of the profit will go back to charity. I think it’s actually a great idea because it’s not asking everyday people who are struggling to pay their bills to donate money. The target buyer for this collection is probably a multimillionaire. That’s a good way to raise a lot of money really fast.

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  • I found those emerald earrings so weird when I first saw her wearing them - think that top pic was from a past Oscars. The lack of a border made them look strange somehow.
    I am sure she is using conflict-free gems, though.

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  • I don’t like Angie or yellow gold, and I thought many of the pieces were lovely. I think people are overreacting.

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  • They are clunky and graceless and as someone else said, a total design fail. I feel sorry for those stones, they deserve to be set off much better than they have been.

    The green stones in the video look like Tsavorite garnets, not emerald for the person who was admiring them above. The emerald earrings in the first pic were designed by Lorraine Schwartz, and while the stones are spectacular, I don’t know if it was the dress, the makeup or the hair, but they overpowered her and washed her out.

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  • The earrings in the picture look to be really pulling her earlobes down. I wonder if they’re uncomfortable.

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  • I think it a great idea this is a limited collection for charity and is exclusive to people of wealth why not have millionaires put their money to a great use. I rather celebrities do this then wanting regular people buy their crap I mean how many celebrities have perfume or a clothing lines and at less some or all of the proceeds are going to charity. As for the jewelry I’m not a big fan of ear rings but I love the rings and bracelets I wear rings all the time and I wish I could afford to buy some of the rings and bracelets from this collection and this is coming from a 26 year old.

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  • Sue, you could probably have a 20 ct green beryl ring made for yourself for about a grand and a half retail price. Less if you made it with Prasiolite, the so-called “green amythest” which is about the same colour.

    Also, were I am millionaire, I’d probably buy stuff from JAR, not Jolie.

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  • The overwhelming thought I had looking at these jewels…..Was that they look fake.

    Surely they aren’t, but why pay a house-morgage for someone that looks like fake plastic gemstones… I don’t care for the bulky designs either.

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  • Its all very much statement wear. You wear these pieces to punch up a plainer dress. I like it. Its all very vintage. Classic, very Angie. Its not everyday jewelry of course, its jewelry you would wear to an event or something.

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  • @Kaiser. I’m not sure about your take on “percentage” issue. There is certainly a logic in what you say, but from all the reports I read I got an impression that it’s a mutual effort from this jewelry company and Angelina to raise money for the charity they both support. Why couldn’t it be that they donate the stones and work and she donates her name (and design, if you believe official version) and all proceeds go to charity?

    This is a very limited collection that was meant only as charity, not as another celebrity endorsed line of product where charity is PR inspired afterthought.

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  • Disbelieving: “. . . having lived in Africa and seen the circumstances in which these gems are often obtained . . .”

    Well then you must also know the importance of the industry to a country’s economy and employment. It’s too simplistic and unhelpful to throw the baby out with the bath water.

    Knowing her history I am sure that Jolie did her best to ensure the use of conflict free gems.

    I think some of the designs are very lovely in their simplicity. This is statement jewelry to be worn sparingly like Jolie’s incredible emerald earrings at the Oscars. As beautiful as she was that night, those earrings were the talk of the night and still to this day.

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  • I love AJ. But she should hire somebody to do her makeup when she goes on the red carpet.

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  • I like some of the pieces. They would make great “statement pieces.”

    I don’t get the hate for yellow gold.

    I hope she has chosen conflict free gems!

    I LOVE the emerald earrings she is wearing in the first picture.

    Btw, if anyone wants a conflict free diamond go to Arkansas where you can dig for your own! A 3.86 carat was found this month. It’s the biggest one found since the 5 carat brown one last year.

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  • Oh God! I may have had several Sunday evening cocktails, but that is still fugly stuff; That’s like mini-van mom crap for the office Christmas party. At the VERY least, I would have thought she’d have gone “artistically funky”. BLECH. BLECH. BLECH.

    This is the kind of crap I expect to see on Katie Holmes. (because Suri picked it out for her…)

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  • @lucy2
    Love the Knots Landing reference! OMG I would love to watch that sh*t all over again. :)

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  • Saw the tourist and for people wondering why she starts a jewelry line I refer to that movie.

    Angelina looks stunning in them.

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  • lol@ some of the comments in this thread. Hilarious stuff.

    The name of the collection is stupid smh.

    I think the jewellery is beautiful though and obviously made for wearing at high end events (not for running down to the supermarket for example ;) ).
    So its not made for ‘us peasants’ ;) (shame she hadn’t done some more affordable jewellery, but whatever *shrugs*).
    The jewellery line is obviously targeted at the rich and exclusive and is being used to get $ and publicity for a charity, so for that I can’t fault it.
    At least AJ isn’t lending her name to sell every tacky thing from hair extensions, to perfume to bottled water (which for the environment is a tragedy), etc.

    As for the jewellery, I personally wouldn’t buy it even if I had the money, because its not my style and it also wouldn’t fit in my lifestyle :lol: , however I can appreciate its beauty and what it was designed for. *shrugs*

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  • I’m not a fan of yellow gold, either. It doesn’t go well with my skin tone. I prefer more bohemian looking jewelry. But jewelry is a personal choice.

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  • Wow! I love the collection! I clicked on the link expecting to see something awful, but I was pleasantly surprised. I can’t afford it and have no place to wear it, but I think it’s lovely …. and very modern.

    I must qualify, that I love sparkly things, and when we went to the Smithsonian, my main agenda was to see the Hope diamond, as well as the very interesting crystal and mineral collections.

    @Liana, I’m just the opposite. Silver looks bad on my skin, so I’m patiently waiting for yellow gold to be popular again. :)

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  • It’s not just the gems that have to be questioned, but also the gold. Gold mines kill the workers, too. I went platinum the last time I was engaged, but didn’t check on its origin, so it could be “bad” as well.

    As for the jewelry itself, it looks like the chunky stuff I wore in the 80’s and 90’s; wouldn’t wear it now, but it’s out of my price range anyway. If I had that money to spend on something frivolous, I’d be donating it to a good cause anyway. (Like the rainforest, snow leopards and preserving clouded leopard habitat.)

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  • It’s nice, but probably too expensive. =)

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  • @Katherine M

    I know enough about economics to know that an economy dependent on the extraction of raw materials isn’t, particularly, successful.

    I know that charity is a poor substitute for developing a viable economy and, in fact, often undermines that process. Its called dependency.

    I, also, know there is no such thing as a conflict free stone when its origins are from a Lesser Developed Country. The emeralds in the collection, for example, come from Colombia. The conditions there are quite appalling.

    In any case, I have wider objections to the admiration for gemstones than simply that they be conflict free. The demand for the gems drives the conflict. If you can cut off all demand you are one step close to cutting off the conflict. There aren’t a tremendous number of mink farms left, for example. When it became unfashionable to wear fur such practices ended.

    I, also, know that AJ has enough information at her disposal to know all this. Its readily discussed in the development literature, in the United Nations offices that she visits, and in most charitable operations. To pay attention isn’t a choice that she made.

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  • jewelry is the symbol of beautiness.So jewelry and female are two sides of a coin by which you jolie seem so so sweet matching.

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