Another week, another major dose of Teen Mom drama - times two.
Teen Mom 2’s Leah Messer and Corey Simms - parents of 16-month-old twins Aleeah and Aliannah - just got married in October. But after myriad problems and months of fighting constantly, the pair have finally separated - perhaps for good.
“Corey is going to file for divorce,” a close friend said.
TRUE OR FALSE: Considering the source(s), you never know.
The accounts of these two celebrity gossip publications differ, but the point is that Corey left her. In Touch claims he took money for the twins and bought a truck!
OK! also hints at money problems between them, but another final straw.
Fed up with Leah’s obsession with buying a better house, Corey Simms left her. Meanwhile, Corey is bunking with his own mother, rent-free. There you have it.
“He and Leah have been living apart for two weeks, and he's been very happy,” the pal adds. If that's true, well ... it's very sad for everyone. Poor little tykes.
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